Лимфоциты крови и тучные клетки детрузора как диагностические показатели гиперактивного мочевого пузыря и его иммунообусловленного воспаления


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To identify clinico-laboratory symptoms and pathogenetic factors of overactive bladder syndrome (OBS), we used cytochemical analysis of peripheral blood lymphocyte enzymes in 88 males and females aged 50-75 years with this syndrome (70 patients) and control (18 subjects). Biopsy of the anterior wall of the bladder with examination of detrusor myocytes was made in 28 of 70 patients. OBS patients were found to have reduced aerobic respiration in blood lymphocytes and detruzor cells, dystrophy and atrophy of myocytes, moderate interstitial cell infiltration of the detrusor in increasing number and activity of mast cells, T-lymphocytes (CD4, CD8) and macrophages (CD11). We came to the conclusion that development and symptoms of OBS are caused by low energetic activity of the detrusor in line with dysfunction of the bladder mast cells and immunity factors. This is important for diagnosis of OBS severity and choice of energotropic therapeutic measures.

Об авторах

С А Писарев

S A Pisarev

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