Choice of treatment in patients with urolithiasis of anomalous kidneys

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We studied efficacy of transcutaneous nephrolithotripsy (TNLT) in patients with urolithiasis and anomalous upper urinary tract. For two years we performed TNLT in 148 patients with complicated forms of urolithiasis and anomalous kidneys (age 18-86, 76 females and 72 males). The examination for urolithiasis has found different anomalies of the urinary tract in these patients: double pelvis and ureter (9 cases - 6.1%), lumbar dystopy of the kideney (59 cases - 39.9%), horseshoe kidney (12 cases - 8.1%), solitary cyst of the kidney (43 cases - 29.0%), parapelvic cysts (25 cases - 16.9%). Extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy (ESWL) was conducted as first-line treatment in the other 139 patients with nephroliths under 1.5-2 cm in size who had the following anomalies of the urinary system: a solitary kidney (n = 14), double pelvis and ureter (n = 26), anomalous position of the kidney (n = 46), anomalous shape of the kidney (n = 20), simple and parapelvic cysts (n = 33). A total of 154 TNLT were performed in 148 patients. Transcutaneous interventions were most frequent in the treatment of coral (31.3%) and pelvoureteral (14.6%) concrements, one-stage operation was made in 143 patients. Transcutaneous puncture nephrostomy as the first stage was made in 5 patients. The concrements were removed by one operative intervention in 132 (89.2%) out of 148 patients. Exacerbation of pyelonephritis as a postoperative complication was treated conservatively in 12.5% patients. Residual fragments were diagnosed in 16 patients. Of them, 11 patients had multiple and 5 patients had coral concrements. Residual fragments were removed in 14 patients either by renephroscopy or by ESWL. Treatment of 139 patients with concrements less than 1.5-3 cm in size consisted in 197 ESWL sessions. In combination of anomaly and urolithiasis the number of lithotripsy sessions per one patient was 1.8 ± 0.2. The least number of ESWL sessions per one patient was conducted in patients with lumbar dystopy of the kidney (1.3 ± 0.45), the greatest number in horseshoe kidney (3.8 ± 0.8). Evacuation of the concrements after ESWL depended on the type of anomaly and concrement location. It was 61-69% in patients with anomaly of the shape and position of the kidney, in cystic anomalies is was 89-91%. Open surgery was indicated in 7 patients who needed plastic surgery of hydronephrosis (4) and obstructive megaureter (3). Thus, low-invasive operations provide high efficacy of urolith removal in patients with anomalies of the urinary tract and can replace traumatic open operations.


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