Phytotherapy in combined treatment of chronic infection of the upper urinary tract in patients exposed to extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy

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Multicomponent biologically active additive Uroprofit® made by Russian company Ecomir is used for phytotherapy of urolithiasis and urogenital infectious and inflammatory processes. Of 60 patients with urolithiasis and chronic pyelonephritis exposed to extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy (ECSWL), 30 patients received additional anti-inflammatory therapy with Uroprofit®®. As shown by reduction of leukocyturia and crystalluria, increased 24-h diuresis in patients with urolithiasis after exposure to ECSWL, a positive effect was achieved on urethral inflammation. Thus, Uroprofit® phytotherapy has anti-inflammatory, diuretic, lithokinetic effects which makes it appropriate for treatment and prophylaxis of infectious-inflammatory process in the urethra.


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