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The choice of method of surgical treatment of prostatic adenoma depends on the size of prostate, but often it can be limited to the patients with anesthesia risk or somatic risk. The article presents an alternative method of treatment of large prostatic adenomas - x-ray guided endovascular occlusion of prostate arteries, through which 38 patients were treated. Effectiveness of x-ray guided endovascular occlusion was evaluated in comparison to open prostatectomy (40 patients) and the administration of 5a-reductase inhibitor (43 patients). In the first two months after surgery, significant reduction in prostate volume and increased urinary flow rate was observed. Length of stay in the group of x-ray guided endovascular occlusion of prostate arteries was significantly less than in the group of open prostatectomy - 2.3 days versus 19.7, respectively (P< 0.001). Variants of use of x-ray guided endovascular occlusion of prostate arteries in clinical practice are presented.

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