Destructive changes in the mice testes in retrograde infection with herpes simplex virus

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Herpes simplex virus (HSV) causes inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system of males, infects male sex cells, and its presence in the ejaculate is associated with infertility. However, information on the pathways of HSV in the testicles, the extent of damage of spermatogenic tissue and the effect on spermatogenesis are insufficient. This work was aimed to the evaluation of effect of HSV on mice spermatogenesis in retrograde infection with the virus. Molecular (RT-PCR), virologic, morphological and immunohistochemical methods were used. Analysis showed that after virus inoculation directly into seminiferous tubules the viral protein is found in all layers of seminiferous epithelium. On the third day of infection the proportion of tubules containing HSV protein was 4,9%, reached a maximum on day 6 - 23,5 and 18% for the high and low doses of HSV, respectively, and then decreased; viral protein was not detected on 21th and 45 th day. HSV DNA was detected in the testes at all stages of infection. Since the 14th day after infection, testes weight was significantly reduced compared to the control: 7,9-fold decrease at 45th day with a high dose of HSV, and 4,9-fold decrease with low dose. The infection with HSV led to the development of orchitis and considerable destructive changes in the spermatogenic tissue. The proportion of morphologically normal tubules was reduced to 6 and 15% at day 14 and remained at a low level up to 45th day. Approximately half of the seminiferous tubules (46,5%) at the 14th and 21th day had no somatic Sertoli cells needed for the restoration of spermatogenic tissue. These data suggests that retrograde infection of male gonads with HSV leads to the structure damage of testis and death of germ and somatic cells, indicating the irreversibility of degenerative changes in infected testes.

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