Effectiveness of vitaprost® plus in the treatment of patients with chronic bacterial prostatitis

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The need for use of antimicrobial drugs in the treatment of patients with chronic bacterial prostatitis is indisputable. Given the variety of pathogenic mechanisms of chronic prostatitis, drug Vitaprost® Plus in the form of rectal suppositories is of particular interest; it combines antibacterial activity with a positive effect on the various links in the pathogenesis of this disease. The evaluation of the efficacy and safety of drugs Vitaprost® Plus and Lomflox was performed. Both groups showed a significant improvement in the NIH-CPSI score in summary and on individual domains; differences between groups were not statistically significant. The number of leukocytes in the prostatic exprimate decreased more markedly in the study group. Microbiological efficacy in the study group was 73.3%, in the control group - 70%. Thus, the use of the drug Vitaprost® Plus increased clinical and microbiological efficacy of treatment, which correlates with the data of previous studies.

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