Enteroplasty of extended ureteric stricture of tuberculosis and other genesis

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48 patients aged 35 to 69 (51,0 + 0,6) years with extended or multiple ureteric strictures of specific (n = 36) and non-specific (n = 12) origin underwent ureteroplasty using intestinal grafts (enterourethroplasty). Before plastic surgery, percutneous pyelonephrostomy followed by assessment of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was performed in 35 patients. It is shown that in case of baseline GFR less than 10 ml/min, reserve capacity of the kidney in hydrouretheronephrosis of tubercular etiology are exhausted. When creatinine clearance is greater than this value, restoration of function deblocked kidney occurs. The first case is indication for the nephrectomy, or nephroureterectomy, second case - for the reconstructive intervention on the ureter. Ileum was used in 45 patients, appendix - in 3 patients. In 26 (54.2%) patients, only replacement of ureter was performed; in 22 (45.8%) patients - replacement of the ureter and bladder. Enteroplasty of one of ureter was performed in 43 patients, two ureters - in 5 patients. It is established that these operations enable to release patients from lifelong external drainage of kidney in most cases, thereby significantly improving the quality of life (QOL). In the late postoperative period, quality of life significantly improves: particularly important - the mental health component, vitality and role functioning of patients; sustained reduction in pain intensity is observed (P <0.05). The optimum method of reconstruction of the ureter is ileoureteroplasty, if impossible -appendicourethroplasty.

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About the authors

O. N Zuban

SBHCI “Moscow City Scientific and Practical Center of Tuberculosis of Moscow Healthcare Department”; FSBI “Ural Scientific Research Institute of Phthisiopneumology of RMPH”

S. N Skornyakov

FSBI “Ural Scientific Research Institute of Phthisiopneumology of RMPH”

L. V Arkanov

FSBI “Ural Scientific Research Institute of Phthisiopneumology of RMPH”

B. I Novikov

FSBI “Ural Scientific Research Institute of Phthisiopneumology of RMPH”

Email: binovikov@mail.ru
PhD in Medical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Head of the Department of Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis

E. P Borodin

FSBI “Ural Scientific Research Institute of Phthisiopneumology of RMPH”

R. M Chotchaev

SBHCI “Moscow City Scientific and Practical Center of Tuberculosis of Moscow Healthcare Department”

D. Yu. Eremeyev

FSBI “Ural Scientific Research Institute of Phthisiopneumology of RMPH”


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