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The results of conservative citrate therapy of 35 patients with urate calculi in ureter are presented. Due to the violation of the passage of urine in the upper urinary tract, the vast majority of patients (31 (88%)) underwent ureteral stenting to restore adequate flow of urine before treatment. In four patients, drainage of the upper urinary tract was not required. Citrate therapy allowed to achieve complete dissolution of calculi within 2 months in 25 (72%) patients. Another 14% of patients were able to reduce the size of the calculi, and in combination with contact ureterolithotripsy achieve complete discharge of calculi. Only in 14% of patients with urate calculi in ureter litholysis was ineffective. The used treatment option allows to avoid surgery in a large number of patients with urate lithiasis.

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About the authors

P. V Glybochko

SRI of Uronephrology and Reproductive Human Health SBEI HPE "First MSMU n.a. I.M. Sechenov"

Director - Correspondent Member of RAMS, MD, Prof.

Yu. G. Alyaev

SRI of Uronephrology and Reproductive Human Health SBEI HPE "First MSMU n.a. I.M. Sechenov"

SRI of Uronephrology and Reproductive Human Health

L. M. Rapoport

SRI of Uronephrology and Reproductive Human Health SBEI HPE "First MSMU n.a. I.M. Sechenov"

SRI of Uronephrology and Reproductive Human Health

D. G Tsarichenko

SRI of Uronephrology and Reproductive Human Health SBEI HPE "First MSMU n.a. I.M. Sechenov"

SRI of Uronephrology and Reproductive Human Health

E. A Frolova

SRI of Uronephrology and Reproductive Human Health SBEI HPE "First MSMU n.a. I.M. Sechenov"

Postgraduate student at the SRI of Uronephrology and Reproductive Human Health


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