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Aim. Show the ability of uroflowmetry to record episodes of involuntary loss of urine at an altitude cough bursts. Material and methods. A total of 49 women with a genital prolapse and stress urinary incontinence. The study was conducted during bladder filling 150-300 ml of urine. A patient chair being Uroflowmeter three times at intervals of 3-5 coughs seconds. Episodes of involuntary discharge of urine at an altitude cough shocks on uroflowgramme recorded as separate trapezoidal or triangular peaks. The same procedure was carried out and after surgery. Results. All women graphically documented episodes of involuntary discharge of urine at an altitude cough shocks before operation. Uroflowmetry after surgery confirmed the fact of continence. Discussion. The study is simple, not cumbersome for the patient. The opportunity to document the diagnosis stress urinary incontinence. Conclusions. The proposed method of uroflowmetry in examining women with stress urinary incontinence allows not only to estimate the total evacuation function of the bladder and urethra, but also graphically record the episodes of involuntary loss of urine during coughing.

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About the authors

A. N Nechiporenko

Grodno State Medical University

Email: nechiporenko_al@mail.ru
PhD in Medical Sciences, associate professor at Department of Surgery II

M. W Savitski

Grodno State Medical University

Email: m.w.savitski@gmail.com
Department of Surgery II

N. A Nechiporenko

Grodno State Medical University

Email: nechiporenko_nik@mail.ru
Department of Surgery II


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