High oncogenic risk human papillomavirus and urinary bladder cancer

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Aim. To determine the role of human papillomavirus (HPV) of high oncogenic risk in the development of urinary bladder cancer. Materials and methods. 100 patients (72 men and 28 women) aged 38 to 90 years (mean age 65±10 years) diagnosed with bladder cancer were examined and underwent treatment. Clinical assessment was complemented by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for the presence of antiviral antibodies to herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 1 and type 2, cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), urethra scraping for detecting high oncogenic risk HPV. Tumor tissue was sampled for PCR virus detection. Semi-quantitative analysis was used to evaluate the components of lymphocyte-plasmocyte and leukocyte infiltrates and cytopathic changes in tumor tissue. Results. There were positive correlations between cytopathic cell changes (koylocytosis and intranuclear inclusions, as manifestations of HPV) and the level of antiviral antibodies, the presence of viruses in the tumor, as well as with the components of the lymphoid-plasmocyte infiltrate. Negative correlations were found between the presence of papillomatosis and the above changes. Conclusion. Human papillomavirus is believed to be a trigger for the initiation of a tumor in young patients with a latent infection (CMV and EBV, HSV, HPV). Cytopathic changes (kylocytosis and intranuclear inclusions) were associated with the activity and morphological features of herpes-viral infections. Their degree varied depending on the stage of the process, but not on the anaplasia degree. Papillomatosis is associated with a more favorable course of the tumor process.

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About the authors

O. B Loran


Email: oleg_loran@gmail.com
Academician of the RAS, Dr.Med.Sci., Prof., Head of the Department of Urology and Surgical Andrology

L. A Sinyakova


Email: l.a.sinyakova@mail.ru
Dr.Med.Sci., Prof. at the Department of Urology and Surgical Andrology

L. V Gundorova

City Clinical Hospital №68, Moscow Health Department

Email: ludovik-213@mail.ru
Dr.Med.Sci., Head of the Department of Pathology and Autopsy

V. A Kosov

Komi Republican Oncology Center

Email: zinaidakosova@yandex.ru
Urologist-Oncologist, Leading Specialist

I. V Kosova

City Clinical Hospital №68, Moscow Health Department

Email: kosovainga@mail.ru
Ph.D., Urologist at the Department of Urology

I. E Pogodina


Email: utk-irina@yandex.ru
Ph.D., Pathologist at the Pathology and Autopsy Department Cherepovets, Russia

D. N Kolbasov

City Clinical Hospital №68, Moscow Health Department

Email: urology68@rambler.ru
Ph.D., Urologist, the Department of Urology


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