Use of the antioxidant complex Androdoz in infertile men

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Introduction. Infertility is a global problem, affecting more than 15% of sexually active couples worldwide. The frequency of the male factor reaches 40–50% and continues to increase. Fertility problems with unknown causes are referred as idiopathic.

Aim. To evaluate the possibility of using the Androdoz antioxidant complex in men with infertility.

Materials and methods. A retrospective analysis of the medical records of 32 infertile men aged 21 to 45 years (average of 27.8 ± 6.7 years) with pathospermia was carried out. Antioxidant complex Androdoz was prescribed 2 capsules bid with meals according to the package insert for up to 3 months. The results were assessed after 3 and 12 months (follow-up period) from the start of therapy. In addition to ejaculate analysis, all patients underwent digital rectal examination, transrectal ultrasound of the prostate and ultrasound of the scrotum, microscopic examination of ejaculate and expressed prostate secretions, and PCR-based assay of urethral swab (Androflor). The zinc concentration in seminal plasma, as well as the total antioxidant capacity of sperm, was also evaluated. Damage to sperm chromosomes was characterized by DNA fragmentation using an assessment of sperm chromatin dispersion.

Results. Based on the results of a comparative analysis of ejaculate, it was revealed that taking Androdoz complex not only had a positive effect on sperm motility and viability, but also led to a decrease in the percentage of sperm with DNA fragmentation to a level of less than 15%, and significantly increased the total antioxidant capacity of the ejaculate.

Conclusions. The use of Androdoz antioxidant complex in men with reproductive disorders improves the qualitative and quantitative markers of the sperm analysis and the morphological state of the male reproductive system, and allows to replenish the lack of vitamins. The most important effect of Androdoz complex appears after 3 months.

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About the authors

N. A. Nashivochnikova

Privolzhsky Research Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russia

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1138-1174

Ph.D., associate professor at the Department of Urology named after E.V. Shakhov

Russian Federation, Nizhny Novgorod

V. N. Krupin

Privolzhsky Research Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russia

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4887-4888

Ph.D., MD, professor, Head of the Department of Urology named after E.V. Shakhov

Russian Federation, Nizhny Novgorod


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