Residual nephroliths and their treatment

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416 case histories of patients with different forms of urolithiasis aged 6 to 70 years who had undergone sectional nephrolithotomy (83, 19.9%), pyelonephrolithotomy (24, 5.8%), pyelolithotomy (146, 35.1%), percutaneous nephrolithotomy (163, 39.9%) were analysed. Residual nephroliths occurred in 108 (25.9%) patients. 98 of them were subjected to extracorporeal lithotripsy (ELT). To determine minimal possible interval between the operation and ELT, changes in the levels of lipid peroxidation products and concentration of aglutatliione-S-aminotransfcrase were studied. The results allowed the authors to optimize ELT after operative interventions for uroliths. In the course of 206 ELT sessions the residual uroliths were destroyed in 96 (97.9%) patients. After one session a complete fragmentation was achieved in 19 (19.4%) patients, after two sessions - in 64 (65.3%) patients, after three sessions and more - in 15 (15.3%). Pyoinflammatory complications developed in 8 (8.2%) patients while retrospectively such complications were encountered in 16 of 50 patients (32%). One month after ELT, the control examination found neither nephroliths nor their fragments in 85 (86.7%) patients, in patients with large and multiple stones elimination rate 1.5 months after the treatment was 69.5%. It is inferred that ELT is an effective method of residual uroliths elimination and is a method of choice in the treatment of such patients.


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