Tonocardin (doxasosine) in the treatment of lower urinary tracts symptoms

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Twenty seven patients with lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), acute voiding problem, chronic prostatitis, neurogenic hyperactive urinary bladder, interstitial cystitis were treated with tonocardin (doxasosine) in a dose 1 to 4 mg. Patients after discharge from hospital and outpatients continued taking tonocardin for 6 months. The results obtained show high efficacy of tonocardin in LUTS and adequate life quality maintanance in patients with BPH especially in its complications (7 patients resumes normal voiding). Tonocardin is well tolerated by elderly patients and does not interact with cardiovascular drugs.

About the authors

E В Mazo

D A Chepurov


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Copyright (c) 2003 Bionika Media

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