Diagnosis of localized cancer of the prostate

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The study was made to improve preoperative diagnosis of the stage of prostatic cancer (PC) to raise efficacy of subsequent treatment. A total of 152 patients entered the study who had undergone in 19972002 a radical prostatectomy for local PC. Basing on pathomorphological findings, the patients were divided into two groups: with localized CP (68 patients) and spread CP (84 patients). The comparison of clinical and pathomorphological diagnosis in the same patients demonstrated that there is a correlation between them, therefore it is possible to predict pathomorphological diagnosis at the stage of clinical diagnosis. The formula of establishment of a pathomorphological stage of the disease has been developed and its efficacy was tested in 30 control patients. The mathematical model of complex evaluation of the symptoms allows in 81% of cases to correctly determine the spread of CP while examination of separate symptoms provides a correct diagnosis in less than half the cases. The model can prognosticate radicality of the future operative intervention and duration of recurrence-free course and, consequently, to reduce the rate of intra- and postoperative complications and design further treatment policy.

About the authors

S В Petrov

P V Kharchenko


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