Primenenie biologicheski aktivnoy dobavki "Urisan" k pishche pri mochekamennoy bolezni

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Thirty three urolithiasis patients (13 males, 18 females aged 29-77 years, 2 children, duration of the disease 1-17 years) received food additive urisan in combined treatment of urolithiasis. Blood and urine biochemistry was studied by 11 parameters to evaluate renal function and lithogenesis before and after intake of urisan. Standard treatment was combined with intake of 2 capsules (1100 mg) of urisan twice a day at meal for 2-3 weeks. The data were processed statistically. It is shown that urisan contributes to intensification of renal filtration function, to reduction of hyperuricemia and urine pH, intensification of uric acid excretion, continuation of inflammation remission, attenuation of proteinurea in urolithiasis patients with exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis.


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