Effects of water regimens on crystallization intensity in experimental nephrolithiasis


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We studied effects of water regimens on crystallization efficacy in experimental nephrolithiasis on 3 groups of Wistar male rats with initial experimental nephrolithiasis (ethylene glycol model). The animals were on free, limited and supernormal liquid intake regimen. For 3 weeks each 3-4 days we estimated 24-h diuresis, urine concentration of calcium, phosphate and oxalate ions. After 3 weeks we made a morphological examination of the kidneys. We found that limited drinking leads to an increase in urinary concentrations of oxalate- and phosphate ions which stimulate enhanced formation of calcium-containing concrements. More water intake considerably reduces oxalate and phosphate concentrations in the urine resulting in reduction of the number and size of calcium deposits in renal tissue. Thus, low liquid intake leads to intensification of urine oversaturation causing formation of renal concrements. Much liquid intake weakens oversaturation and reduces the number and size of calcium deposits in the kidneys.


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