Viral Infections: Human Papillomavirus and Genital Herpes Type 1 and Type 2 as a Cause of Chronic Recurrent Cystitis with Severe Dysuria in Women with Urethral Hypermobility and Hypospadias


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Female hypospadias presenting as a misplaced urethral opening is a common cause of chronic recurrent cystitis. Cystitis occurs when urogenital infection and anaerobic bacteria enter the urethra and bladder from the vagina. The authors argue that chronic infections of the lower urinary tract in women with hypospadias should be treated surgically by meatal transposition. They present a study confirming the role of the antiviral drug Panavir in prevention of inflammatory complications in the postoperative period in patients with a history of viral infection (human papillomavirus and herpes).

Sobre autores

T Derevjanko

Stavropol State Medical University

Stavropol State Medical University

V Ryzhkov

Stavropol State Medical University

Stavropol State Medical University


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