Experimental modeling of acute pyelonephritis


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Acute pyelonephritis (AP) predominates among inflammatory infection kidney affections. In accordance to internationaI cIassifications, AP is an upper urinary tract infection, subdivided into non-compIicated (nonobstructive) and compIicated (obstructive) forms. The cIinicaI significance of AP presently is defined by the condition’s frequent occurrence and its progression into chronic kidney disease. For a limited number of pathogens the involvement in AP is considered proven: representatives of the Enterobacteriaceae family (E.coli, Klebsiella spp., Proteus spp., etc.), Pseudomonas spp., a number of gram-positive microorganisms (S.aureus, Enterococcus spp.). Beside that, over the last 3 decades there have been rare pubIications in the worId Iiterature describing cIinicaI cases of AP caused by microorganisms not readiIy cuItivated on standard mediums (mostIy anaerobic). This was accompanied by an idea that AP might deveIop in case of kidney invasion not onIy by aerobic, but aIso by anaerobic microorganisms, which is practicaIIy not taken into account in current cIinicaI practice. In this regard it was deemed feasibIe to perform an analysis of experimental disease models to refine the discussion points of the disease etioIogy, to do so an attempt of aII-encompassing study in the Russian and English literature databases (Qinical Key, MEDLINE, PubMed, HighWire Press, The Cochrane Library, BioMed CentraI, CentraI scientific medicaI Iibrary of the I.M. Sechenov Moscow medicaI academy, Russian State Library). A total of 356 literature sources have been studied, of which 41 were selected for the current review.

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Sobre autores

M. Kogan


Email: dept_kogan@maiI.ru
Honored science worker of the Russian Federation, Ph.D. (M), professor, head of the Chair of uroIogy and human reproductive health with child urology andrology course of the FPK and PPS

YU. Naboka


Email: nagu22@maiI.ru
Chair of urology and human reproductive health with child urology andrology course of the FPK and PPS

I. Gudima


Email: nagu22@maiI.ru
Chair of urology and human reproductive health with child urology andrology course of the FPK and PPS

S. Bedjanyan


Email: sarik2802@yandex.ru
Chair of urology and human reproductive health with child urology andrology course of the FPK and PPS


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