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This literature review is dedicated to urethritis which is one of the most common disorders of urogenital tract in men. The current views in its etiology as well as problems in diagnosis with the main being the frequent inability to isolate etiological factor of inflammation it the urethra are described. The analysis of literature suggests a possible role of bacteria, which are associated with bacterial vaginosis in women, in the development of the urethritis in men. However, the frequency of such urethritis and causative role of specific pathogens has not been studied yet. Meanwhile, the exact determination of the causes of inflammation has direct influence on the choice of appropriate etiologic treatment and can increase its efficiency.

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Sobre autores

D. Kim

GBUZ Moscow Scientific Practical Center of Dermatology, Venerology and Cosmetology of the Moscow Healthcare Department

Head of the Center of viral diseases of skin and mucous membranes Moscow, Russia

M. Gomberg

GBUZ Moscow Scientific Practical Center of Dermatology, Venerology and Cosmetology of the Moscow Healthcare Department

MD, professor, chief researcher Moscow, Russia

A. Gushchin

FBUN Central Scientific and Research Institute of Epidemiology of Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing

Ph.D. in Biology, Head of the Laboratory of the Molecular diagnostics and Epidemiology of Reproductive Organ Infection Moscow, Russia

A. Zaycev

A.I. Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry of Minzdrav of Russia

MD, professor at the Department of urology Moscow, Russia


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