A comparative analysis of the results of open endoscopic operations in posteriorurethra obliterations in men




Endoscopic recanalization of posterior urethra (PU) obliteration
(a novel method) was compared to open reconstructive-plastic operations.
242 patients with PU and vesicular cervix obliterations entered
the study. 93 patients of group 1 have undergone open reconstructiveplastic
operations, 149 patients of group 2 were operated endoscopically
(endoscopic recanalization under transrectal ultrasonic control).
Before surgery the patients were examined using standard tests, sonourethrography
and intraoperative transurethral ultrasonic investigation were added.
Recurrence rate in group 1 and 2 was 29.1 and
16.8%, respectively. The following complications were observed in
group 1: acute pyelonephritis (22.5%), enuresis (14%), orchoepididymitis (9.7%),
urinary fistulas (5.4%). The patients needed longterm
postoperative immobilization (10-16 days, mean 14.8+1.1 days).
After endoscopic recanalization under transrectal ultrasonic control,
group 2 patients developed acute pyelonephritis (4.8%), orchoepididymitis (4%),
orthostatic enuresis (4%), short-term urethral fever
(85.9%). Bed regime in this group was necessary for 1-2 days (1.3±0.4
days). Mean postoperative hospital stay was 2.5-fold less in group 2.
The conclusion is made that endoscopic recanalization under transrectal
ultrasonic control has advantages over open reconstructiveplastic
surgery: less frequent pyoinflammatory complications, enuresis,
the absence of such complications as impotence, short penis,
formation of urinary fistulas.


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