Experience in clinical application of semirigid miniureterorenoscopes in diagnosis and treatment of urolithiasis




We compared efficacy and safety of clinical application of modern semirigid miniureterorenoscopes (MURS) and standard hard-lens ureterorenoscopes (URS). The results of 335 transurethral endoscopic operations on the ureter have been analysed. Positive results of ureteroliths elimination by lithotripsy and lithoextraction were observed in 100 (77.5%) patients of group 1 (hard-lens URS) and in 175 (94.6%) patients of group 2 (semirigid MURS). Ureteral perforation occurred 3 times more often in group 1 patients than in group 2 (3.1 and 1.08%, respectively). A total number of complications observed in group 1 and 2 in the course of transurethral ureterolithotropsy and lithoextraction reached 6.3 and 1.08%, respectively. Ureterolithotomy was performed in group 2 eight times less frequently than in group 1 patients (2.1 and 17.9%, respectively). Ureteropyeloscopy made by semirigid MURS is a valuable therapeutic and diagnostic aid which raises efficacy of transurethral endoscopic manipulations, significantly lowers traumaticity of the upper urinary tracts and reduces to minimum the number of intra- and postoperative complications.


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