Prevalence of essential urological diseases among rural population




A retrospective one-stage epidemiological trial was made to investigate
prevalence of urinary infections (UI), urolithiasis (UL) and
benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) among rural population, to reveal
latent or initial stages of these diseases and to specify preventive policy.
2330 rural one-year-olds and older children (n = 345, 14.8%)
were covered by a screening examination forbacteriuria, leukocyturia,
crystaluria and symptoms of the lower urinary tract caused by benign
prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). UI, UL, BPH were detected in 7.0%
(70:1000), 17.9% (179:1000) and 17.3% (173:1000), respectively. UI
and UL ran a latent course. The former needed an antibacterial preventive
therapy, the latter - prophylaxis of primary lithogenesis. Alpha-adrenoblockers
were indicated for BPH patients. All the necessary
therapeutic and prophylactic measures can be realized outpatiently
by general practitioners


D Arustamov

R Nurullaev


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