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Introduction. Urachus pathology is a complex problem in modern medicine due to a wide variety of clinical and morphological forms, low occurrence, both in children and especially in adulthood, the lack of publications related to the analysis of large groups of patients, and, consequently, algorithms and diagnostics. treatment of this pathology. In addition, there are unambiguous recommendations that determine the surgical access in the case of planned surgery, as well as the sequence and priority of the stages of treatment of purulent complications. Purpose. Analyze the experience of treating urachus pathology in adults and use rational diagnostic and treatment algorithms. Materials and methods: Analyzed case histories 37 patients were operated on from 6 clinics: mean age 33.8+14.8 years, 36 patients undergoing surgical treatment for urachus pathologies, out of12 patients were operated with an «open» method and 24 - with a laparoscopic one. Results and discussion. The results of surgical treatment were assessed. It was determined that the method of choice for surgical treatment of patients with urachus pathology is laparoscopic excision of the urinary duct structures. An algorithm for the diagnosis of urachus pathology in adults is proposed.




I. Shormanov

'FSBEI HE «Yaroslavl State Medical University» of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Urology and Nephrology Yaroslavl, Russia

D. Shchedrov

GBUZ YAO Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital

Doctor of Medical Sciences; Head of the Department of Uroandrology Yaroslavl, Russia

S. Kotov

FGAOU VO «Russian National Research Medical University named after NI Pirogov» of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Doctor of Medical Sciences Professor, Head of the Department of Urology and Andrology, Head of the University Clinic of Urology Moscow, Russia

A. Strelnikov

FSBEI HE «Ivanovo State Medical Academy» of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Doctor of Medical Sciences Professor, Head of the Department of Urology Ivanovo, Russia

E. Morozov

GBUZ YAO Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital

pediatric surgeon Yaroslavl, Russia

E. Pomeshkin

GAUZ «Kuzbass Regional Clinical Hospital» named after S.V. Belyaeva

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Urology No. 1 Kemerovo, Russia

A. Novikov

GBUZ «St. Petersburg Clinical Scientific and Practical Center for Specialized Types of Medical Care (Oncological)»

Doctor of Medical Sciences Professor of the Department of Urology, North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikova, Head of the Urology Department, St. Petersburg Clinical Scientific and Practical Center for Specialized Types of Medical Care (Oncological) Saint-Petersburg, Russia

R. Smirnov

GBUZ «Vologda Regional Clinical Hospital»

Head of the Urology Department Vologda, Russia

Andrey Bragin-Maltsev

GAUZ «Kuzbass Regional Clinical Hospital» named after S.V. Belyaeva; FSBEI HE «Kemerovo State Medical University»

urologist, urological department №1 Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Y. Tareev

GBUZ «St. Petersburg Clinical Scientific and Practical Center for Specialized Types of Medical Care (Oncological)»

urologist Saint-Petersburg, Russia

E. Kotreichuk

FSBEI HE «Kemerovo State Medical University»

employee of the Department of General, Faculty Surgery and Urology Kemerovo, Russia

D. Garova

'FSBEI HE «Yaroslavl State Medical University» of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

6th year student Yaroslavl, Russia


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