Tamsulosin in combind treatment of patients with urolithiasis


In administration of tamsulosine (focusin, Zentiva, Czech Republic) in combined treatment of urolithiasis concrement evacuation after extracorporeal lithotripsy occurred in 83% cases in patients with the concrement stay in the ureter for less than one month. The size of the concrement after successful lithotripsy had no significant effect on subsequent stone-eliminating therapy but long-term stay of the concrement in one place promoted inflammatory and urodynamic disturbances in the ureter treated surgically. The comparative analysis of the contractile function of the distal ureteral comparment in patients given tamsulosin showed a less active (amplitude of the contractions) and passive (tonicity) resistance to urine flow than in patients given a standard therapy. These changes were accompanied with lower pressure in the renal pelvis and suppression of enzymuria. Thus, tamsulosin addition to combined treatment of urolithiasis has a positive effect on ureteral urodynamics, concrement evacuation and functional structures of the kidney by indirectly lowering intrapelvic pressure.


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