Mesto sovremennykh β-laktamnykh antibiotikov v terapii infektsii mochevykh putey u beremennykh




A multicenter trial of the prevalence and spectrum of urinary infection agents, their resistance to beta-lactame antibiotics in pregnant women in Russia was conducted in two stages. Stage 1 (2001) included microbiological studies, stage 2 (2005-2006) - pharmacoepidemiological ones. Most frequent uropathogens in the examinees were E.coli (62.9%) and Klebsiella spp (9.7%). Their most common strains were often resistant to ampicillin, amoxicillin. Therefore, these drugs are often ineffective against urinary infections in pregnant women. Drugs of choice are oral cephalosporines of the third generation (cephoxim), inhibitor-protected aminopenicillines, for parenteral administration - parenteral cephotaxim, cephtriaxon followed by oral (cephisim) cephalosporins of the second-third generation.


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