New methods of pubic approximation in bladder extrophy in children




A new less traumatic method of pubic bone approximation in extrophy of the urinary bladder in children is proposed. To ascertain efficacy of the method, results of 3-stage reconstructive plastic operations with pubic bone approximation without osteotomy (group 1, n = 27), one-stage reconstructive plastic operations with transversal suturing of the anterior abdominal wall (group 2, n = 19), and one-stage reconstructive plastic operations according to the new techniques of pubic bone approximation (group 3, n = 9) were compared. To receive satisfactory results, 27 patients of group 1 had to undergo 97 operative interventions for complications, 19 patients of group 2 had undergone 33 operative interventions. As to group 3, early postoperative period complications such as urethrocutaneous and vesicocervical fistulas were observed only in 22.2% cases. Pubic bone diastasis was observed in none the cases showing 100 efficacy.


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