Rehabilitation of patients with urolithiasis after minimally invasive procedures on kidneys



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Minimally invasive surgeries in patients with urolithiasis are not always successful. Prevention of inflammatory and cicatrical-sclerotic complications in the postoperative period plays an important role. 49 patients with urolithiasis divided into two groups were followed-up. The study group included 25 patients who underwent percutaneous puncture nephrolitholapaxy. The control group consisted of 24 patients with a history of percutaneous puncture nephrolitholapaxy. In postoperative period, active prevention of inflammation and cicatrical-sclerotic complications using drug Longidaza® in combination with magnetic-laser therapy was performed in study group. The control group received standard treatment. 6 months after surgery, 1 (4%) patient in the study group had pyeloectasis ~2 cm and obstruction of UPJ of operated kidney, which required re-treatment with Longidaza®. In the control group, pyeloectasis and violation of passage through the upper urinary tract were recorded in 4 (16,7%) patients. These data allow to recommend a comprehensive prevention of postoperative inflammation and cicatrical-sclerotic complications using Longidaza and magnetic-laser therapy in patients undergoing minimally invasive surgery of the kidney.




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