Application of udenafil for the correction of endothelial disorders in patients with stress-induced erectile dysfunction



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The study was aimed to the evaluation of vascular endothelium status in patients with stress-induced arterial hypertension, coupled with erectile dysfunction (ED). 51 patients underwent examination. Laurent - Segal Male Copulative Function Questionnaire (MCF), and International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) were used for the detection of ED and assessment of its severity. Microcirculation in penile vessels was evaluated by laser Doppler flowmetry. Markers of endothelial function - endothelin 1 and asymmetric dimethylarginine-were measured. For the correction of violations identified, the drug udenafil (zydena) was used at a dose of 50 mg daily for 1 month. Against the background of therapy with udenafil, restoration of function of endothelial cells was detected. This suggested the functional nature of the violations in the genital sphere, and was regarded as a manifestation of stress-induced ED. Elimination of endothelial dysfunction led to significant reduction in ED symptoms.




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