Extravaginal transposition of the urethra in the treatment of post-coital cystitis



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From 2005 to 2013, 106 patients with post-coital cystitis underwent surgery. Of these, vaginal ectopia of urethral meatus was diagnosed in 19 (17,9%), and hypermobility of the distal urethra in 87 (82,1%). 28 (26,4 %) women underwent the traditional plasty of distal urethra by O'Donnell method (group 1) and 78 (73,6 %) patients underwent surgery using new method of extravaginal transposition of the urethra developed in our clinic (group 2). In group 1, satisfactory results were obtained in 23 (82,1 %) patients, poor results - in 5 (17,9%) patients; in group 2, in 77 (98,7 %) and 1 (1,3% ) patients, respectively (p < 0,05). The disappointing results were attributable to the divergence of seams, reverse bias of urethra and recurrence of the disease. The use of method of extravaginal transposition of the urethra compared with a standard method allows to reduce the trauma of surgery, improve reliability of fixing the urethra, reducing the risk of its restriction and disease recurrence.




B. Komyakov

Email: Komyakovbk@mail.ru


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