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The acute uncomplicated cystitis in women is one of the most frequently diagnosed bacterial infection. A clinically symptomatic urinary tract infection must be differentiated from the asymptomatic bacteriuria, which is not considered an infection but rather a colonization which should not be treated. For the antimicrobial therapy according to the European guidelines the old oral antibiotics (fosfomycin trometamol, nitrofurantoin, pivmecillinam) should be prescribed, against which E. coli is still susceptible in over 90%. With new therapeutic concepts not mainly the elimination of bacteria but rather the treatment of the inflammatory (over)reaction of the host is highlighted. To establish the significance of these therapeutic options as compared to the standard antibiotic therapy, the results of the ongoing and planned phase 3 studies need to be awaited. Thus reliable clinical measuring parameters for diagnostics and outcome are needed. The acute cystitis symptom score (ACSS) was developed and validated in Russian and Uzbec languages. Because of its high reliability, validity and predictive value it can be used not only in daily practice but also for clinical studies for the diagnosis of an acute uncomplicated cystitis in women.




Kurt Naber

Technical University of Munich

doctor, MD, Associate Professor at the Department of Urology Munich, Germany

J. Alidjanov

Republican Specialized Center of Urology (RSCU)

Tashkent, Uzbekistan


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  24. Naber K., Steindl H., Abramov-Sommariva D., Eskoetter H. Non-antibiotic herbal therapy of uncomplicated lower urinary tract infections in women - a pilot study (Poster + Abstract). 61st International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research, Muenster, Germany, 1-5 September 2013. Planta Medica 2013;79:1140.
  25. Alidjanov J.F., Abdufattaev U.A., Makhsudov S.A., Pilatz A., Akilov F.A., Naber K.G., Wagenlehner F.M. New self-reporting questionnaire to assess urinary tract infections and differential diagnosis: acute cystitis symptom score. Urologia Internationalis 2014;92:230-236.



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