Assessment of the specific characteristics of urethral stricture according to records of medical republican institution of Uzbekistan



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Urethral stricture in men is a common disorder, negatively affecting the health and therefore the quality of patients’ life. The aim of the study was to evaluate the nature of the stricture in various segments of male urethra and the incidence rate of urethral stricture in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The study presents the analysis of medical records of 195 men (mean age 40,6±13,1 years) who underwent urethroplasty in the Republican Specialized Centre of Urology between February 2013 and March 2015. 46.7% and 53.3% of patients had anterior and posterior urethral strictures, respectively. The most common causes of stricture were trauma (38.5%) and infections (22.6%); 18% of strictures were considered idiopathic, 19% - iatrogenic. In 13.3% of cases, stricture located within the pendulous urethra, in 42.7% - within the bulbar urethra, in 32% - within the posterior urethra. In 28.7% of patients the length of the stricture was more than 6 cm, in 25.6% - 2 cm or less.




F. Akilov

Republican Specialized Centre of Urology

O. Rakhmonov

Republican Specialized Centre of Urology

M.D., Urologist at Surgery Department

J. Alidjanov

Republican Specialized Centre of Urology

D. Mirkhamidov

Tashkent Medical Academy

M. Tukhtamishev

Republican Specialized Centre of Urology; Tashkent Medical Academy

M. Lazzeri

Humanitas University

Department of Urology, Humanitas Clinical and Research Centre

G. Barbagli

Centro Chirurgico Toscano


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