Surgical treatment of stress urinary incontinence



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Objective. Urinary stress incontinence considerably decreases the life quality of women, which makes search for effective methods of treatment essential. The research presents results of surgical treatment of 230 patients with stress urinary incontinence between 2011 and 2014. Materials and methods. Efficiency of treatment of urinary incontinence in women, using Tension-free Vaginal Tape (TVT-O) and mini-sling Ophira was presented. The evaluation was made out of complaints and physical examination in target groups, including patients with concurrent genital prolapse and mixed urinary incontinence. For correct diagnosis all patients were submitted to urodynamic and ultrasound tests. In case of need M-cholinomimetic drugs were applied. To evaluate different complaints 5-graded visual analogue scale was worked out. Results of cough stress test were taken as main objective way to estimate effectiveness of the treatment. Results. The research showed that application of TVT-O mesh and mini-sling Ophira turned out to be highly effective in treatment of urine stress incontinence in women. Among short-term complications urinary retention was most common (3,5 percent). To correct those complications alfa-adrenergic agonists, physiotherapy, and acupuncture were applied. Erosions of vaginal mucous had developed at the place where meshes were planted in 1,3 percent of cases. Only once it required mesh excision.




N. Kravtsova

Base Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic of Kuban State Medical University


T. Melkoniants

Base Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic of Kuban State Medical University


M. Gvozdev

Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A.I. Evdokimov

V. Krutova

Base Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic of Kuban State Medical University



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