Laparoscopic uretero-pyeloanastomosis in iatrogenic trauma of the upper pole ureter in a duplex kidney



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In case of stricture of the lower third of ureter in patients with duplex kidney, ureteroneocystostomy or transureteroureterostomy can be used. Anastomosis of the injured ureter of the upper pole with the pelvis of the lower pole is considered nontypical. In this clinical observation, a 46-year-old patient with iatrogenic trauma of the pelvic part of the upper pole of a duplex kidney successfully undergone laparoscopic ureteropyelostomy. There were no complications; the stent was removed after 4 weeks. During the follow-up examination, the function of both kidneys was within normal range and there were no disturbances in the urine passage in the upper urinary tract. Thus, laparoscopic ureteropyelostomy provided an adequate urine passage from the duplex system kidney through the healthy ureter.




B. Guliev

FGBOU VO North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov; Center of Urology with robot-assisted surgery of City Mariinsky hospital


B. Komyakov

FGBOU VO North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov



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