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Introduction. Urethral reconstructive surgery is in constant development. At present, reconstructive urethroplasty with buccal mucosa is increasingly being used. The study aimed to compare the results of a one- and two-stage augmentation urethroplasty with dorsal inlay buccal graft for strictures of the spongious urethra. Materials and methods. The study comprised 72 patients aged 19-64 with urethral strictures 3-18 cm long. In 34 (47.2%) patients, the stricture was localized in the penile urethra, in 30 patients (41.6%) in the penile-bulbous urethra and in 8 patients (11%) in the bulbous urethra. All patients underwent augmentation urethroplasty with dorsal inlay buccal graft. The results were evaluated separately in 55 (76.4%, group 1) and 17 (23.6%, group 2) patients who underwent one-stage and two-stage surgery, respectively. Results. The incidence rate of early postoperative complications was higher after one-stage (23.6%) compared two-stage surgery (11.8%) (p<0.05). Hematomas, wound dehiscence and urethrocutaneous fistulas were observed only after single-stage surgery. Primary healing of extensive strictures following augmentation urethroplasty with dorsal inlay buccal graft was achieved in 88.9% of patients; treatment effectiveness in the group 1 was 89.1%, in the group 2 - 88.2% (p>0.05). The final effectiveness of the operation, achieved with the use of additional surgical interventions, is estimated at 98.6%. Conclusion. The results of augmentation urethroplasty with dorsal inlay buccal graft do not depend on the number of stages, but fewer complications accompany two-stage surgery.




M. Kogan

Rostov State Medical University of Minzdrav of Russia

Dr.Med.Sci., Prof., Head of the Department of Urology and Human Reproductive Health with the Course of Pediatric Urology-Andrology, Faculty of AT and PRS Rostov on Don, Russia

V. Glukhov

Rostov State Medical University of Minzdrav of Russia

Ph.D., Associate Professor at the Department of Urology and Human Reproductive Health with the Course of Pediatric Urology-Andrology, Faculty of AT and PRS Rostov on Don, Russia

V. Mitusov

Rostov State Medical University of Minzdrav of Russia

Dr.Med.Sci., Associate Professor at the Department of Urology and Human Reproductive Health with the Course of Pediatric Urology-Andrology, Faculty of AT and PRS Rostov on Don, Russia

V. Krasulin

Rostov State Medical University of Minzdrav of Russia

Dr.Med.Sci., Prof. at the Department of Urology and Human Reproductive Health with the Course of Pediatric Urology-Andrology, Faculty of AT and PRS Rostov on Don, Russia

A. Il’yash

Rostov State Medical University of Minzdrav of Russia

Ph.D., Urologist at the Consultant Outpatient Department Rostov on Don, Russia


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