The role of antioxidants in the therapy of metabolic syndrome in men




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Introduction. Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a combination of hormonal, metabolic and clinical disorders. Currently, MetS in men is considered as one of the main risk factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases, insulin resistance, and pathology of the reproductive system.

Aim. To study the effect of a complex of folic acid, L-carnitine, vitamin E, zinc and selenium, which are part of the biologically active food supplement «Speroton», on the parameters of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in men with MetS, especially in the early stages of its development, as well as on erectile function and quality of life of patients.

Materials and methods. A total of 64 patients aged 30 to 51 years with MetS of varying severity were included in the study. The main group consisted of 34 patients aged 32 to 51 years (mean age 46.2±2.1 years), while in the control group, there were 30 patients aged 30 to 49 years (mean age 45.4±3.4 years). The standard therapy in the main group was supplemented by taking the dietary supplement «Speroton» for 3 months. In the control group, patients received only standard therapy for MetS. The results were evaluated after 3 and 6 months from the start of treatment.

All patients underwent laboratory evaluation of sex hormones, carbohydrate metabolism and lipid profile. In addition, the concentration of zinc in the spermatozoa was measured, as well as the level of total antioxidant capacity of the sperm. The uroflowmetry, ultrasound of the bladder with the measurement of the postvoid residual, and transrectal ultrasound of the prostate were also performed.

Results. An addition of the antioxidant complex «Speroton» to the combination treatment of MetS in the main group allowed to decrease the parameters of oxidative stress by almost two times. By the 6th month of follow-up, the level of insulin improved, which was accompanied by a decrease in the level of HbA1c by 16.3%, suggesting the stabilization of carbohydrate metabolism. A decrease in body mass index by almost 14% (p<0.05) in the main group was found, as well as normalization of the lipid profile. According to the analysis of the erectile function in patients of the main group after 6 months from the beginning of therapy, there was a decrease in the total score to a moderate erectile dysfunction (12.5±2.1 points). There was a decrease in storage symptoms and, in part, voiding symptoms in patients in the main group, who received antioxidant therapy. In addition, a positive correlation between the concentration of zinc and the level of total antioxidant capacity in the ejaculate was seen.

Conclusions: Our results suggest the high therapeutic efficiency of dietary supplement «Speroton» as an antioxidant complex for the treatment of patients with MetS of varying severity. The addition of antioxidants «Speroton» to the standard therapy of MetS contributes to the improvement of the sensitivity of insulin receptors, the normalization of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, endothelial function and blood pressure, which is accompanied by a significant decrease in LUTS severity, as well as an improvement in the erectile function of patients.


N. Nashivochnikova

1Privolzhsky Research Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russia

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1138-1174

Ph.D., associate professor at the Department of Urology named after E.V. Shakhov of Privolzhsky Research Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russia

俄罗斯联邦, Nizhny Novgorod

V. Krupin

Privolzhsky Research Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russia

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4887-4888

Ph.D., MD, professor, Head of the Department of Urology named after E.V. Shakhov of Privolzhsky Research Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russia

俄罗斯联邦, Nizhny Novgorod

V. Leanovich

JSC «Akvion»

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7653-797X

medical director of JSC «Akvion»

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow


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