Qabq in the Geographical work and Maps in Abu Muhammad al-Idrisi’s Nuzhat al-mushtaq fi ikhtiraq al-afaq





The article gives new information on the history of peoples of the Caucasus on the basis of translation, commentary and comparative analysis of excerpts from the 12th c. Arabic geographical work Nuzhat al-mushtaq fi ikhtiraq al-afaq (The Delight of Him Who Desires to Journey through the Climates) by Abu Muhammad al-Idrisi, as well as based on early sources by some Muslim authors related to the history of Qabq. For the first time in Russian historiography, it compares textual fragments from Nuzhat al-mushtaq with its maps of the given region in order to determine the degree of coherence between them, and it also delineates the differences between al-Idrisi’s maps in the Paris, St. Petersburg and Oxford manuscripts on Qabq.


Magomed Gizbulaev


Independent Scholar, Cand. Sci. (History)



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2. Fil. 1. Fragment of al-Idrisi's world map (Paris map)

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3. Fig. 2. Fragment of al-Idrisi's world map (Oxford map)

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4. Fig. 3. Fragment of al-Idrisi's world map (Petersburg map)

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