The Instruction for Travelers Sent to China with Respect to Oriental Linguistics, History and Literature by I.J. Schmidt as a Document of Its Epoch





The main purpose of this article is to introduce into scholarly circulation the full text of the Instruction for Travelers Sent to China with Respect to Oriental Linguistics, History and Literature, compiled in 1829 in German by the Mongolist and Tibetologist I.J. Schmidt for the members of the 11th Russian Orthodox Ecclesiastical Mission to Beijing, and its translation, contemporary with the original. The article briefly highlights the historical context in which the document emerged, the role of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences in its preparation, provides archaeographic reference and comments on the text of the translation. These documents may be of interest to specialists from the viewpoint of an objective assessment of the level of development of individual areas of Oriental studies in Russia in the first quarter of the 19th century, and also may present material for further studies, including comparative ones.


Maria Dodeus

Saint Petersburg branch of the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences

ORCID iD: 0009-0006-4080-8997

Junior Researcher

俄罗斯联邦, 1, Universitetskaya emb., 199034, Saint Petersburg


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