The Trading Project of the European Merchant F.V. Nippolo





The article analyzes an unpublished, and therefore hardly familiar to researchers, trading project of the European merchant F.V. Nippolo, which was proposed by him in 1828 to the government of Nicholas I (1825–1855). The purpose of this project was the use of Russian territory and its transport routes for the trade of European countries with Persia and India. According to the sources from the Russian State Historical Archives, the proposed project was rejected by the Russian authorities. However, some of F.V. Nippolo’s proposals explicitly illustrate the steps taken by the bureaucrats of Nicholas I’s era in subsequent years.


Elizaveta Yanushkevich

Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8986-9439
SPIN 代码: 7391-9690

Ph.D. Student

俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg


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