Materials of the Archive of Orientalists of IOM, RAS, on the History of the Korean Fund from the city of Kzyl-Orda





This article is devoted to the correspondence (housed at the Archive of Orientalists) regarding the transfer of old Korean books from the library of Kzyl-Orda, Kazakhstan, to the Institute of Oriental Studies. The Korean Fund of IOM, RAS, began to form back in 1864, and in all subsequent years, the collection of written records was replenished whenever possible. That is why, when in 1939 a letter was received from the library of Kzyl-Orda with a wish to transfer Korean books to the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences, the top management of the Institute began to actively promote this process. The content of this correspondence and the history of the Korean collection of old books in Kzyl-Orda are discussed in the article.


Daria Anofrieva

Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of RAS

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0011-1478


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