Development of a methodology for constructing and researching technological systems in the context of automation of the production of aircraft

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The methodology for optimizing the production of aircraft, technological systems and processes is proposed. The method of streamlining and systematizing the source data is shown when setting and solving the problem of distribution of production resources. The method of synthesis and analysis of the production environment as a discrete and non-abroad space is considered, within which you can distinguish relatively homogeneous local substructures, for the description of which you can build effective adequate mathematical models, propose methods of their formalized description, methods of optimization in the synthesis of specific production schemes. The concept of sets in his appendix to the processes of forming databases of boundary controlled variables on the optimal values of the output variables was introduced. The methodology for constructing and calculating the main target function of optimizing the PS, which includes and is determined by the structure and relationships of incoming subsystems with their characteristic local target functions.

About the authors

Anatoly N. Koptev

Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolyov

Author for correspondence.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Russian Federation, Samara

Stanislav F. Tlustenko

Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolyov


Ph.D., Associate Professor

Russian Federation, Samara


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Copyright (c) 2023 Koptev A.N., Tlustenko S.F.

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