Regression models construction for describing the thermal system state of two flat bodies in cyclic contact

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Sophisticated analytical solutions of cyclic contact heat transfer problems in the form of integral equations were reduced to criteria form and converted into polynomial models based on the application of experiment planning methodology with economical numerical analysis. Approximation of the desired functions was performed by discrete points using Bonnet formulas, calculations showed quite rapid convergence of approximations and in practical calculations the number of iterations was 7–11. Thirteen criteria equations of regression type were received; the equations contain the most important and diverse in composition and formation structure characteristics of quasi-steady stage of cyclic contact heat exchange. The evaluation of the adequacy of models was made using multiple correlation coefficient.

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Построение моделей регрессионного типа для описания теплового состояния системы двух плоских тел в режиме циклического контактирования

About the authors

Vladimir V Stulin

Samara State Technical University

(Ph. D. (Techn.)), Associate Professor, Dept. of Higher Mathematics and Applied Computer Science 244, Molodogvardeyskaya st., Samara, 443100, Russia


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