Some spectral properties of a generalized Friedrichs model

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We consider self-adjoint generalized Friedrichs model h(p), p ∈ T3 (T3 is the threedimensional torus), in the case where the parameter functions w1 and w2 of this operator has the special forms. These functions has non-degenerate minimum at the several different points. Threshold effects for the considering operator are studied depending on the minimum points of w2.

About the authors

Tulkin Kh Rasulov

Bukhara State University, Physics and Mathematics Faculty

(к.ф.-м.н., доц.), доцент, каф. алгебры и анализа1 ; докторант, математический институт2; Бухарский государственный университет, физико-математический факультет; Bukhara State University, Physics and Mathematics Faculty

Khalim Kh Turdiev

University of Bern, Faculty of Science

студент; Университет Берна, философско-научный факультет; University of Bern, Faculty of Science


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