Mathematical modeling of dynamic deformation of elasto-viscoplastic shells of finite length by a ray method

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The paper presents a mathematical modeling of dynamic stress-strain state of the rotation of the shell elasto-viscoplastic material. We solve the modified system of S. P. Timoschenko’s partial differential equations by constructing a system of equations on moving surfaces of the gap with the initial conditions in the form of a shock at the end, written in the form of a power series in time, whose coefficients have initial conditions for the differential equations. The solution is presented in the form of the Taylor’s row series up to the fourth order in the shell coordinate. To simulate the waves reflected from the boundaries, the conditions at the boundary of two types (rigidly restrained and stress-free), independent of time, are introduced. A set of programs written in Fortran 90 on the Code::Blocks platform is developed. Two programs for the simulation of dynamic deformation of shell in elastic and elasto-viscoplastic state are implemented. We use the difference representation of the derivatives, the calculation of the integrals by the trapezoid method with a given step of partitioning the segment. The result of the programs is the grid functions of the coefficients of the Taylor rows, which are used to construct the displacement graphs as functions of time and the longitudinal coordinate of the shell.

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Введение. Задача динамического напряженно-деформированного состояния осесимметричной оболочки из упругого материала в постановке С. П. Тимошенко [1, 2] сводятся к решению квазилинейных систем дифференциальных уравнений в частных производных гиперболического типа. Учет необратимых деформаций при динамическом деформировании возможен с использованием модели упруговязкопластического материала [3]. Модифицированные уравнения динамического деформирования оболочек вращения [4] для упруговязкопластического материала имеют вид 2

About the authors

Nikolai D Verveiko

Voronezh State University

Dr. Techn. Sci.; Professor; Dept. of Mechanics & Computer Modeling 1, Universitetskaya pl., Voronezh, 394018, Russian Federation

Mikhail V Egorov

Voronezh State University

Postgraduate Student; Dept. of Mechanics & Computer Modeling 1, Universitetskaya pl., Voronezh, 394018, Russian Federation


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