Analysis of changes in microstructure and temperatures of martensitic transformations in TiNi alloy with different structures

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In the presented article studies were carried out of the influence of multiple martensitic transformations B2-B19’ on the structure and temperatures of transformations in different structural states of the TiNi alloy. It is shown that in coarse-grained, ultrafine-grained and nanocrystalline TiNi alloys, consistent changes occur in the microstructure and temperatures of phase transformations, with an increase in the number of thermal cycles to n=100 with rapid heating and rapid cooling to -196 °C. Transformation temperatures in the ultrafine-grained Ti49.15Ni50.85 state are more resistant to thermal cycling (TC) than in the coarse-grained state. The formation of martensite nanotwins in the nanostructural state after multiple thermal cycles was discovered.

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About the authors

A. A. Churakova

Institute of Molecule and Crystal Physics - Subdivision of the Ufa Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Ufa University of Science and Technology

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9867-6997

Cand. of Sci. (Physics and Mathematics), Researcher

Russian Federation, Ufa; Ufa

E. I. Iskhakova

Institute of Molecule and Crystal Physics - Subdivision of the Ufa Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Ufa University of Science and Technology

ORCID iD: 0009-0001-0907-6146

Research Assistant

Russian Federation, Ufa; Ufa


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig.1. Optical image of the microstructure of the Ti49.15Ni50.85 alloy in the coarse-grained state after quenching (a) and after thermal cycling (b)

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3. Fig.2. TEM images of the microstructure of the Ti49.15Ni50.85 alloy in the CG state: bright-field (a, c, d) and dark-field (b) images, microelectron diffraction pattern corresponding to this state. Figure (d) shows a section of the microstructure containing a Ti4Ni2O particle

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4. Fig.3. Typical TEM images of a microstructure in the CG state followed by TC, n=20: bright-field images (a, b) and the corresponding microelectron diffraction pattern (b)

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5. Fig.4. TEM images of the Ti49.15Ni50.85 alloy in the state after n=50 thermal cycles: bright-field (a, c-d) and dark-field (b) images, microelectron diffraction pattern. Figure (d) shows an image of section 1 (c) of the grain boundary with thick extinction contours with high magnification

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6. Fig.5. Typical microstructures of the Ti49.15Ni50.85 alloy in the coarse-grained state and after multiple thermal cycles (n=100): bright-field (a, b) images, microelectron diffraction pattern. Figure (b) shows a section of the grain boundary with thick extinction contours (shown by arrows)

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7. Fig.6. TEM images of the microstructure of the Ti49.15Ni50.85 alloy in UFG: bright-field (a, c–d) and dark-field (b) images, microelectron diffraction pattern

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8. Fig.7. TEM images of the microstructure in the UFG state and TC n=20: bright-field (a, c–d) and dark-field (b) images, microelectron diffraction pattern. Figures (c, d) show characteristic sections of the structure - grains with equilibrium boundaries and a section with a large accumulation of dislocations

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9. Fig.8. TEM images of the microstructure of the Ti49.15Ni50.85 alloy in the UFG state with n=50: bright-field (a, c) and dark-field (b) images, microelectron diffraction pattern

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10. Fig.9. TEM images of the microstructure in the UFG state with a maximum number of cycles n=100: bright-field (a, c–d) and dark-field (b) images, microelectron diffraction pattern

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11. Fig.10. TEM images of the microstructure of the Ti49.15Ni50.85 alloy in the amorphous-nanocrystalline state: bright-field (a) and dark-field (b) images, microelectron diffraction pattern. In figure (a) the letters indicate areas with amorphous and nanocrystalline phases

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12. Fig.11. TEM images in the amorphous-nanocrystalline state with subsequent thermal cycling: bright-field (a) and dark-field (b) images, inset (c) shows a microelectron diffraction pattern. Figure (a) shows the boundaries of the amorphous phase with dashes

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13. Fig.12. Typical fine structure of the Ti49.15Ni50.85 alloy in the NC state: bright-field (a, c) and dark-field (b) images, microelectron diffraction pattern. Figure (c) is an enlarged image of the nanocrystalline structure

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14. Fig.13. Microstructure in the NC state with subsequent thermal cycling: bright-field (a, c-d) and dark-field (b) images, microelectron diffraction pattern. In figures (c, d), areas that can be designated as nanotwins or stacking defects are highlighted with a dash

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15. Fig.14. Graphs of the dependence of the characteristic temperatures of martensitic transformations for the CG state on the number of thermal cycles: a – temperatures of direct transformation, b – temperatures of reverse transformation and R-phase; in the UFG state, on the number of thermal cycles: c – temperature of direct transformation; d – reverse transformation temperatures; in NC state (e)

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16. Fig.15. Dependences of the energies of direct and reverse phase transformations in the alloy in the CG (a) and UFG (b) states

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Copyright (c) 2024 Churakova A.A., Iskhakova E.I.

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