Depressions in patients with psoriasis

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The present article is dedicated to the results of the study aimed to examination of efficacy of new methodology for the evaluation of the pathogenesis and clinical presentation of depression using US Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D - Center for Epidemiologic Studies - Depression). The study enrolled 105 patients with psoriasis and two control groups of patients with other dermatoses and somatic diseases (n = 153 and n = 2053, respectively). According to the results of study, findings were as follows: CES-D scale should be used for the diagnosis of depression in patients with psoriasis; the secondary depression which appear linked to the main disease is dominated in patients with psoriasis; use of antidepressants is necessary given that depression adversely affect on the course of psoriasis. Heptral (ademetionine) may be recommended as the drug of choice due to antianxiety properties, because anxiety is one of the most pronounced manifestations of depression in patients with psoriasis. Moreover, this drug is effective in the treatment of concomitant functional hepatobiliary disorders and hepatotoxicity caused by immunosuppressive drugs in patients with psoriasis. Heptral also has an impact on affected cartilaginous tissue with mild variants of psoriatic arthritis; serotonin 2A receptors inhibiting the activity of tumor necrosis factor, which is one of the key inflammation mediators; beta2-adrenergic receptors of immune cells providing their proliferation.


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