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The article presents the mechanisms of action of Actovegin in the context of the evaluation of its effects on the preclinical and clinical levels in the treatment of coronary heart disease. Actovegin, obtained by ultrafiltration of blood of calves, consists of more than 200 biological substances. The preclinical and clinical studies have shown that Actovegin improves metabolic balance by increasing glucose uptake and oxygen consumption under ischemic condition, which are fundamental for the antioxidant and anti-apoptotic cardioprotection. Multifactorial and multi-component nature of Actovegin determines its pleiotropic cardioprotective mechanism of action and clinical efficacy, which were confirmed by the results of treatment of 46 patients: the use of Actovegin contributed to the 2-fold decrease of the incidence of reperfusion syndrome during thrombolytic therapy for acute myocardial infarction.

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About the authors

A. M Shilov


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