Bezopasnost' vaktsinatsii dokazana nauchno: opyt Federal'nogo nauchno-prakticheskogo tsentra immunoprofilaktiki detey s otkloneniyami v sostoyanii zdorov'ya

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Analysis of the morbidity rate in the Russian population shows a significant deterioration in the nation health and the steady trend to weakening the health of children and adolescents. First of all, attention is drawn to the annual increase in the number of patients with various forms of chronic diseases. Such patients suffer infectious diseases much heavier than somatically healthy children, often with complications and worsening of the underlying disease. Therefore, immunoprophylaxis is one of ways of rehabilitation of children with chronic diseases aimed at improving their health and quality of life. This provision is one of the basic principles of the WHO Expanded Programme on Immunization. The main results of theoretical and practical work aimed at improving the safety and efficacy of immunization of children with medical issues conducted at the Federal Centre for Immunoprophylaxis are presented.

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