Ispol'zovanie fermentnykh preparatov v klinicheskoy praktike

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The article discusses the mechanisms of development of maldigestion and malabsorption syndromes in various diseases of the digestive system. It is shown that the excretory pancreatic insufficiency plays a leading role in their formation; and it develops against the background of presence of structural lesions, as well as with intact organ parenchyma. The characteristics of the main groups of enzyme preparations are presented; the factors determining the effectiveness of enzyme replacement therapy, and indications and contraindications for their prescription are described in detail. The advantages of microtablet and microsphere pancreatin preparations in the treatment of disorders of the digestive processes are shown. Microtablet preparation Ermytal can be used for the correction of the digestive processes in various diseases of the digestive system and for the pain relief in chronic pancreatitis.

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