Kurenie tabaka sredi zhenshchin i strategiya uspeshnogo otkaza ot tabakokureniya vo vremya beremennosti

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Tobacco smoking in women of reproductive age, including pregnant women, leads to declines in their health, complications of pregnancy and childbirth, and poor outcomes for the fetus and newborn. In Russia, 25-30 % of women smoke during pregnancy. Strategies for successful smoking cessation are developed, one of which is presented in this review («5A» method); they are not integrated, however, into the daily practice of the obstetrician-gynecologist. At the same time, measures aimed at smoking cessation, allow to achieve reduction in the number of pregnant smokers at 80 %, which has a significant impact on pregnancy outcomes and substantially reduces the healthcare costs (20-fold excess of savings over the financial resources expended on this work).

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About the authors

G. B Dikke

Email: galadikke@yandex.ru


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