Effektivnost' vaktsinatsii protiv grippa vo vremya beremennosti



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The study was aimed to the evaluation of the effect of preventive influenza vaccination during pregnancy on some gestational indicators. The study included 110 patients. Group I (main) consisted of 58 pregnant women who underwent influenza vaccination at 23-35 weeks of gestation using trivalent inactivated subunit vaccine. Group II (control) included 52 patients who were not subjected to influenza vaccination. Following assessments were performed: ultrasound fetometry, analysis of serum α-fetoprotein, human chorionic gonadotropin, trophoblastic β1 -glycoprotein contents. Analysis of clinical and laboratory data of pregnant women vaccinated with subunit vaccine showed no destabilizing changes of homeostasis after vaccination. Post-vaccination period was accompanied by minor local and systemic reactions. Manifestations of influenza were noted in 3 (5.1%) patients of Group I, and in 16 (30.8%) patients of group II (p<0.05). Dysfunction of the fetoplacental complex was detected in 2 (3.4%) and 5 (9.6%) pregnant women in group I and group II, respectively (p<0.05). The results showed that influenza vaccination in pregnant women provides a reduction in the incidence of acute respiratory viral diseases, thereby reducing the frequency of functional disorders of the fetoplacental complex.




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